Interprofessional Active Learning Sessions (iPALS) are a key component of the IPE Core Curriculum that provides opportunities for students to learn and practice the core competencies of collaborative practice. Through the use of clinical cases, examples of system-level interventions, tools for ethical decision-making, and skills for antiracist action, students will learn alongside each other and from experts in the fields covered in these sessions.

We hope that the opportunity to learn about topics/issues that are important and interesting to you will provide for the most meaningful experience of learning alongside your future colleagues from across the health professions.

2017 iPALS Interprofessional Care of Veterans session

iPALS Topics and Dates 2021-22

Below are the topics, dates, and registration links for the twelve sessions that will be offered during the 2021-22 academic year. All sessions will be held from 5:30-7:30pm and via Zoom. 

Autumn Quarter 2021

Bodemer Interprofessional Ethics Lab: When Patients Refuse Recommended Interventions, Wednesday October 20

Explore professional values and ethics, learn foundational principles and approaches to ethical decision-making in healthcare, and engage in team-based decision-making around a challenging case involving a patient’s surrogate decision-maker who refuses life-saving interventions. Additional funding and support provided by the UW Department of Bioethics and Humanities Bodemer Endowment.


LGBTQ+ Health, Tuesday November 2

Develop skills for working together as an interprofessional care team to provide safe, welcoming and high quality care to LGTBQ+ patients.


Antiracism in Action for Healthcare Professionals Workshop, Wednesday November 17

This workshop is an opportunity for deep personal reflection and skill building to develop your practice as an antiracist health care professional. The interprofessional space will allow for students to learn with, from and about each other, as it relates to the impacts of racism on health and healthcare. The same workshop will be offered in Autumn and Spring quarter, so only sign up for one!


Homelessness & Health, Tuesday November 30

Learn about the impacts of homelessness on health, the unique care needs of people experiencing homelessness, and about the roles and responsibilities of various providers in caring for the population.


Winter Quarter 2022

Language Interpreters as Members of the Healthcare Team, Thursday January 13

Learn about the important role of language interpreters, and build skills for working with them to improve the quality and safety of care.


Interprofessional Approaches to HIV in Primary Care, Wednesday January 26

Learn about the roles and responsibilities of various health professionals in primary care, and how providers can work collaboratively to best provide care for patients with HIV.


Bodemer Ethics Lab: Ethical Considerations Surrounding Brain Death, Tuesday February 8

Explore professional values and ethics, learn foundational principles and approaches to ethical decision-making in healthcare, and engage in team-based decision-making around a challenging case of brain death. Additional funding and support provided by the UW Department of Bioethics and Humanities Bodemer Endowment.


Creating an Inclusive Healthcare System for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Wednesday February 16

Develop skills for working together as an interprofessional care team to provide safe, welcoming and high quality care for people with intellectual disabilities.  This session will be facilitated by clinicians, organizational leaders and athletes from Special Olympics Washington.


Spring Quarter 2022

Weight Stigma in Clinical Care, Thursday April 7

Understand the consequences of weight stigma in healthcare, and explore how to partner with interprofessional colleagues to reduce weight stigma and promote health in patients of all body sizes.


Bodemer Interprofessional Ethics Lab: Indigenous Perspectives on Ethics, Wednesday April 20

Learn indigenous principles and approaches to ethical decision-making in healthcare, apply these perspectives to case studies related to clinical care and research. Additional funding and support provided by the UW Department of Bioethics and Humanities Bodemer Endowment.


Error Disclosure, Tuesday May 3

Learn about the process for medical error disclosure, and practice skills related to error disclosure with an interprofessional team.


Antiracism in Action for Healthcare Professionals Workshop, Monday May 9

This workshop is an opportunity for deep personal reflection and skill building to develop your practice as an antiracist health care professional. The interprofessional space will allow for students to learn with, from and about each other, as it relates to the impacts of racism on health and healthcare.  The same workshop will be offered in Autumn and Spring quarter, so only sign up for one!
