IPE Core Curriculum

The IPE Core Curriculum invites health sciences students to participate in a three-part longitudinal curriculum, which totals 5 ½ hours of student engagement over the academic year.
Mobile Health Outreach

The Harborview Medical Center Mobile Health Outreach (HMC MHO) Program is a free clinic staffed by student volunteers and clinicians. It provides supportive bridge-to-care services to residents of two Seattle Tiny House Villages, in collaboration with our community partner, Low Income Housing Institute.
Team Science Initiative

The Team Science Initiative is a collaboration with the Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS) to support the development, performance, and recognition of interdisciplinary research teams through education and institutional policy.
Fast Facts
Health sciences participants in 2023-2024
Health sciences faculty participated in 2023-2024
Professional training programs involved in UW IPE
UW Medicine Cares Award for Mobile Health Outreach
WWAMI Regional and National Partners